

A-Z of Business Tax Deductions, 2nd Edition

A-Z of Business Tax Deductions, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Bloomsbury Professional (formerly Tottel Publishing)
  • ISBN: 9781526507310
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780437019
  • 出版时间 August 2018
  • 规格: Paperback , 368 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,344.20

¥1,303.87 Save ¥40.33 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Provides clarity in areas where there is doubt as to the deductibility for tax purposes of particular expenses incurred by a business, such as unincorporated businesses, operated by sole traders, partnerships and limited liability partnerships.

    Structured in an easily navigable A-Z format, all business areas covered are quickly identifiable. Legislative references, summaries of key cases and HMRC guidance help the reader to understand possible allowances and allowable deductions in situations where there may be some ambiguity.

    Important legislative changes:

    • Loan interest relief restriction for residential property businesses (F(No 2) Act 2015 and FA 2016)
    • Property business deductions: Replacement of domestic items/abolition of wear and tear allowance (FA 2016)
    • Calculation of profits of trades and property allowances (Finance (No 2) Act 2017)
    • Trading and property allowances (Finance (No 2) Act 2017)
  • Part A: General principles
    1. Generally accepted accounting practice
    2. Cash basis for unincorporated businesses
    3. Capital or revenue expenditure
    4. “Wholly and exclusively”
    5. Property rental businesses

    Part B: Business deductions generally
    B1 Adjustments on a change of accounting basis
    B2 Advertising and sponsorship
    B3 Bad and doubtful debts
    B4 Car hire
    B5 Charitable gifts
    B6 Compensation and damages
    B7 Counselling and re-training
    B8 Crime-related payments
    B9 Defalcations or fraud by employees
    B10 Depreciation and loss on disposal of fixed assets
    B11 Dilapidations (leases)
    B12 Employer deductions for employee benefits
    B13 Entertainment
    B14 Ex-gratia payments
    B15 Fines
    B16 Fixed rate deductions
    B17 Foreign exchange losses
    B18 Franchise payments
    B19 Gifts to customers
    B20 Goodwill and know-how
    B21 Guarantee payments
    B22 Herd basis
    B23 Hire purchase
    B24 Incidental costs of obtaining loan finance
    B25 Insurance
    B26 Interest on overdue tax and penalties
    B27 Keyman insurance
    B28 Lease premiums
    B29 Lease rental payments
    B30 Legal and professional costs
    B31 Loan and overdraft interest
    B32 Management charges
    B33 Mileage allowances
    B34 Patent rights and expenses
    B35 Pensions
    B36 Political expenditure
    B37 Post-cessation expenses
    B38 Pre-trading expenses
    B39 Provisions
    B40 Quotas
    B41 Removal expenses
    B42 Remuneration
    B43 Rent and rates
    B44 Repairs and renewals
    B45 Restrictive undertakings
    B46 Royalties
    B47 Security
    B48 Software
    B49 Staff welfare costs
    B50 Subsistence
    B51 Tax (foreign)
    B52 Trade subscriptions
    B53 Trade tools
    B54 Trading stock and work in progress
    B55 Training courses and examination fees
    B56 Travel expenses
    B57 Unremittable amounts
    B58 Use of home as office
    B59 VAT
    B60 Wayleaves
    B61 Wear and tear
    B62 Websites

    Appendix – Case summaries


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