

A Practitioner's Guide to the Regulation of Insurance, 6th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to the Regulation of Insurance, 6th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414075702
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414028357
  • 出版时间 December 2020
  • 规格: Paperback , 350 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,312.40

¥2,243.03 Save ¥69.37 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 详细

    A Practitioner’s Guide to the Regulation of Insurance examines the UK and European regulatory regimes and their impact on the insurance industry, providing practical advice for compliance officers and professional advisers. It covers all aspects of the life and non-life insurance industries, from establishment, authorisation and ownership to conduct of business and financial supervision. There is also coverage of reinsurance and friendly societies.

    This fully revised new edition includes new content on the Solvency II Directive, the Insurance Distribution Directive, GDPR, Senior Manager and Certification Regime (SMCR), Risk Transformation Regulations 2017 and the impact of Brexit.
    Key features:
    • Gives a complete overview of the insurance industry regulatory post FCA/PRA regime
    • Updated to take the Solvency II Directive and the Insurance Distribution Directive into account
    • Reflects upon the implementation of GDPR and the introduction of SMCR.
    • Covers the implementation of the retail distribution review
    • Covers the authorisation of UK, EU and overseas insurance companies
    • Gives detailed guidance on establishment of branches and cross-border issues
    • Covers both life and non-life insurance
    • Includes full coverage of the latest progress on Solvency 2 and the implications of the new capital adequacy requirements
    • Gives guidance on the regulation of reinsurance business and the Reinsurance Directive
    • Covers friendly societies and specific issues affecting particular types of insurance (e.g. motor insurance)
    • Covers passporting rights post-Brexit
  • Introduction
    Katherine Coates and Narind Singh, Clifford Chance

    Authorisation of UK, EU and Overseas Insurance Companies
    James Bateson and Laura Hodgson, Norton Rose

    Ownership and Management of Insurance Companies
    Katherine Coates and Hilary Evenett, Clifford Chance

    Financial Supervision
    John Philpott, consultant

    The Establishment of Branches and Cross-Border Provision of Services
    Rob Stirling and James Smethurst, Freshfields

    Portfolio Transfers and Schemes of Arrangement
    Geoffrey Maddock and Laurence Elliott, Herbert Smith

    Sale and Administration of Non-Investment Insurance
    Duncan Barber, Linklaters

    Special Rules Relating to Certain Categories of General Insurance Business
    Carol-Ann Burton and Ambereen Salamat, Holman Fenwick Willan

    Regulation of Long-Term Insurance
    Charles Rix and Steven McEwan, Hogan Lovells

    Sale and Administration of Life Assurance
    Maria Ross and Laura Hodgson, Norton Rose

    The Regulation of Friendly Societies
    John Gilbert, Hogan Lovells

  • Consultant editors: Charles Rix, Hogan Lovells


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