

A Guide to GEM Listings in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition (e-Book)

A Guide to GEM Listings in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition (e-Book)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wolters Kluwer (HK) (formerly CCH)
  • 出版时间 October 2018
  • 规格: e-Book , 586 pages
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,861.20

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    You can either buy this standalone book OR buy this toolkit which also includes this book and a lot more useful contents: Hong Kong Company Law & Compliance Practical Toolkit

    A GUIDE TO GEM LISTINGS IN HONG KONG (the “Guide”) provides a systematic, comprehensive and up-to-date guide to; academics, venture capitalists, senior executives of growth enterprises, and IPO practitioners on the listing of companies on the Hong Kong Stock Market.

    THE GUIDE will help readers navigate through a matrix of Hong Kong laws, listing rules, practice guides, listing decisions and general practice. It is organised thematically for ease of reference including; rationale for listing on GEM, legal requirements and listing processes and drafting guidelines for preparing documents to be submitted to the Hong Kong regulatory bodies. THE GUIDE addresses frequently asked questions relating to GEM listing with a focus on legal and regulatory requirements.

    THE GUIDE is written to be user friendly, providing key questions and summary tables at the end of each relevant chapter. The presentation of facts is illustrated with charts, tables and cases, making for easy reading and referencing.

    THE GUIDE is extensively researched and footnoted referencing up-to-date primary and secondary materials for readers who would like to look further into a particular topic.

    THE GUIDE provides a birds-eye view of all major and practical questions related to GEM listing with simple and easy to understand instructions and explanations.


    Remarks: The price you pay now includes one year access to the online contents, plus free updates within one year if available. After one year, you will be asked to pay for an annual subscription fee again if you want to keep reading the online contents. The next year annual subscription fee will be determined by the publisher in the next year.

  • A Guide to GEM Listings in Hong Kong is composed of nine chapters.

    The first chapter, which is the most academic of all the chapters, is an introduction to GEM listings and traces the historical development of the Hong Kong stock market in general and the GEM market in particular. In this opening chapter I also discuss the rationale behind listing on the Hong Kong stock market.

    Chapter 2 outlines and discusses the various laws and regulations governing GEM listing and the changes in GEM rules over time.

    Chapter 3 is a practical guide to the entry requirements for companies seeking to be listed on the GEM board and to put them in context. The entry requirements for the GEM board are also compared with the requirements of the Main Board in Hong Kong.

    Chapter 4 explains the post-listing continuing obligations required from the GEM issuers.

    Chapter 5 gives a practical guide for IPO practitioners by explaining the IPO process. An understanding of this process will help listing applicants be better prepared for the challenges ahead.

    Chapter 6 focuses on each and every party involved in the IPO process of listing on GEM and describes their respective responsibilities and obligations.

    Chapter 7 explains how a GEM listing prospectus is drafted.

    Chapter 8 provides a road map of how to transfer a listing from GEM to the Main Board. A listing on GEM may assist companies to move on and eventually get listed on the Main Board. GEM was previously marketed as a stepping-stone for the Main Board. However, with the latest change of the GEM Rules on 15 February 2018, GEM has now become a standalone board for small and mid-sized companies with a three-year transitional period for issuers listed on GEM since 16 June 2017.

    Chapter 9 is very practical, giving sample drafting tips on IPO documentation. The samples are for references only and should not be copied as each GEM listing is unique and drafting should take into consideration the characteristics of each individual company. The samples given only provide a starting point offering a quick roadmap guide for drafting.

    Most of the chapters contain summary tables to succinctly recap what has been said and to help readers locate certain issues or documents more easily. I have also tried to footnote each chapter extensively so that readers can easily find primary and secondary source materials if they would like to do further research.

  • Simon Wu

    The author holds a PhD in law from the Centre for Commercial Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, a first class LLB honours degree and a postgraduate certificate in law (awarded with credit) from the City University of Hong Kong. He has previously worked at Baker & McKenzie, Hong Kong, and currently is a consultant in Edward Lau, Wong & Lou specialising in IPO and commercial law.

    He has held the position of Visiting Fellow at The School of Law at the City University of Hong Kong for many years and is a member of the Hong Kong Law Society.

    Dr. Simon Wu is the author of A Guide to H Share Listings published by Wolters Kluwer in 2013. He is also a principal contributor to The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, Vol 3: Companies – General and The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, Vol 4: Companies – Formation and Regulation edited by Rt. Hon Lord Millett published by LexisNexis/Butterworth in 2015. He is also a contributor to the legal database Lexis® Practical Guidance responsible for the corporate section on GEM.


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